Merissa Aug/ 31/ 2017 | 0
Entelliteq (previously IR Tech) led efforts to shape the Marine Corps Logistics IT portfolio by definition of management processes and procedures to govern the Marine Corps Logistics IT Portfolio, Global Combat Support System-Marine Corps (GCSS-MC) sub-portfolio. In doing so, we leveraged a high-level direction provided by the Department of Defense Directive Number 8115.01 “Information Technology Portfolio Management”, guidance from the Department of Navy IT investment decision framework, commercial best practices, and experienced resources with both military and commercial experience. The vision offered to the GCSS-MC Program Office:

- Define requirements to allow for the integration of future capabilities into current GCSS-MC logistics systems
- Shape investment decisions to make efficient use of allocated funds
- Define and use repeatable management processes
- Technology and capability alignment with strategic goals and tactical objectives
The long-term benefits envisioned included: consolidation of system interfaces, reduction of legacy systems, lower overall lifecycle cost for the logistics portfolio, and increased effectiveness of logistics support to the OPFOR.
Our framework was focused on a combination of tactical “bottom-up” and strategic “top-down” approaches to portfolio management. The “bottom-up” problem space included functionality assigned to GCSS-MC and those systems interfacing with GCSS-MC’s current and envisioned capabilities. The current JCIDS process and EFDS process provide the “Top-Down” capabilities identification methodology. This is initially expressed through the “Advocate Capabilities List” and “Solution Planning Document (SPD)”, as well as the Logistics Operational Architecture.
Entelliteq has been instrumental to the establishment of portfolio management within the GCSS-MC program as well as across the Marine Corps enterprise by helping to develop policy and strategy with the Logistics Functional Area Manager (FAM). Key contributions to this effort include:
- Creation of the Logistics Portfolio Management Board (PMB) Charter
- Creation of draft Portfolio Management Board Standing Operating Procedures
- Development of Portfolio Management Policy
- Establishment of cross-organizational Logistics Portfolio Management
- IPT Analysis and Integration
- Study of the Logistics Operational Architecture (LOG OA) and Logistics Command and Control Operational Architecture (LOG-C2 OA)
- Analysis and COA recommendations toward evaluation and integration of emerging technologies, expanded capability development efforts, and integration of aligned independent programs into the GCSS-MC portfolio
- Act as liaison to other programs, agencies, and services
- Establishment of various inter-program Memorandum of Agreements (MOA) to ensure communication and collaboration of effort between interdependent and interrelated programs
Our team envisions opportunities to ensure that IT investments are properly analyzed, controlled, and aligned with Logistics Modernization planning and execution orders through the use of Balanced Scorecard methodologies. Portfolio investment “Trade Study” analysis helps decision-makers select the “best” combination (or portfolio) of investments from a set of potential investment options to achieve mission-level objectives and outcomes in a cost-effective manner. Ultimately, IT capability investments must be clearly linked to measurable warfighter needs and outputs, with strict portfolio management control processes to audit and monitor portfolio performance to ensure baselines are met, and to manage projects against “Gold Plating”, “Requirements Creep”.