Jason Apr/ 10/ 2020 | 0
We want to thank the Marine Corps for observing our successful demonstration of the GCSS-MC Forward (GMF) Prototype on March 10, 2020. GMF is designed to extend essential GCSS-MC functionality to the battlefield. It is critical for the Marines to access network functionality over low-bandwidth high latency networks. Entelliteq (previously IR-Tech) architected GMF to provide functionality to multiple users to capture and process logistics functions over those networks. This demonstration, the first of three planned, showed how GMF operated over expeditionary networks. Using the industry-leading iTrinegy NE-ONE Network simulator, the user, on standard web browsers successfully accessed GMF over a 56Kbps link and then synchronized the information over a 256Kbps satellite link with 800ms of latency and burst packet loss within seconds. GMF serves as a continuation of Entelliteq’s commitment to providing the Marine Corps and military services logistics software that operates in any clime and place.