Norway Air-Land Marine Expeditionary Brigade Planning Application

Merissa | Aug/ 31/ 2017 | 0

The Norway Air-Land Marine Expeditionary Brigade (NALMEB) is the Marine Corps’ only land-based prepositioned stock and consists of prepositioned Marine Corps gear within six tunnels in central Norway, such as at Bjugn Cave Orland Main Air Station in Norway. The Norway Air-Land Marine Expedition Brigade was intended as a cost-effective deterrent to assist in the protection of NATO. A Maritime Prepositioning Force (MPF) is a rapid deployment and assembly of a Marine Air-Ground Task Force (MAGTF) in a secure area using airlift and forward-deployed maritime prepositioning ships.  An MPF operation is a mission-tailored, strategic deployment option that is global in


Merissa | Aug/ 31/ 2017 | 0

Entelliteq has developed the SAFEBETS™ (Systems Analysis For Expeditionary Enterprise and Transformational Systems) methodology to reduce the risk and cost of DoD enterprise business systems (e.g. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems) and their remote user communities.  Many major ERP systems or custom business systems fail one or more of the triple constraints of project management: cost, schedule, and performance (with acceptable quality).  These three constraints are interdependent: none of them can be altered without affecting one or both of the others. For example, if the scope of a project is increased, it is likely to take longer and/or cost more


Merissa | Aug/ 31/ 2017 | 0

Entelliteq (previously IR Tech) designed, developed, and maintained the ATLASS software application for the Marine Corps Logistics Command (LOGCOM).  ATLASS provided unit-level and Enterprise supply management and reporting capabilities across organizational levels in the Marine Corps.  This project was initiated to replace a legacy DOS application with a new technology stack, translation of legacy business rules to an updated ruleset, and a more modern look-and-feel user interface. The ATLASS application was built using a Java J2EE environment, utilized Oracle’s OC4J application server container for managing business logic and web page generation, a web-based user interface, even for a desktop-deployed application,

Global Combat Support System – Marine Corps (GCSS-MC) Engineering

Merissa | Aug/ 31/ 2017 | 0

Project Needs: Initial Program Management Office (PMO) startup Define Acquisition Strategy for a major, DoD ERP implementation program Define and defend program budget after two failed POMs (Program Objective Memorandums) Solution: Provide thought leaders from industry and the USMC to provide long-term program support to the GCSS-MC program office, assist in acquisition support, program management, software product selection, and detailed technical review and planning services. Support with ERP subject matter experts (SMEs) from industry, software developers, high-level management talent, and logistics systems experts Results: Captured initial program funding Provided the longest continual support from a contractor to the GCSS-MC program

Global Combat Support System-Marine Corps (GCSS-MC) Organizational Communications Planning

Merissa | Aug/ 31/ 2017 | 0

Entelliteq (previoudly IR Tech) led efforts to implement an integrated communications plan to support the modernization of Logistics Chain Management (LCM) as a major change management initiative within the Marine Corps. By using specialized processes that focused on information discovery; workshops and facilitation; and communications campaigning fundamentals, we guided the Marine Corps to implement an aggressive communications plan. Beginning with the identification of major stakeholders and process owners, followed by data mining to determine the target audiences and what are the key messages to be articulated, the results were the crafting of targeted messages and themes for introducing LCM as

Global Combat Support System-Marine Corps (GCSS-MC) Program Management

Merissa | Aug/ 31/ 2017 | 0

Entelliteq (previously IR Tech) supported the initiation of formal program management of the Global Combat Support System-Marine Corps/Logistics Chain Management (GCSS-MC/LCM) Increment 1. This project is the only Marine Corp ACAT-I/Major Automated Information System (MAIS), National Security Enterprise Program (NSEP) information technology initiative. The scope of Increment 1 was to replace 40-year-old legacy supply and maintenance information systems with an Enterprise architecture based on commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) enterprise resource planning (ERP) software. As of 2010, GCSS-MC was the first DoD ERP system successfully deployed down to the tactical level, with full system rollout of Increment 1 completed in 2013. Entelliteq

Global Combat Support System-Marine Corps (GCSS-MC) Technology

Merissa | Aug/ 31/ 2017 | 0

Entelliteq (previously IR Tech) helped define the technical direction of the Global Combat Support System-Marine Corps/Logistics Chain Management (GCSS-MC/LCM) Increment 1. This project is the only Marine Corp ACAT-I/Major Automated Information System (MAIS), National Security Enterprise Program (NSEP) information technology initiative. The scope of Increment 1 was to replace 40-year-old legacy supply and maintenance information systems with an Enterprise architecture based on commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) enterprise resource planning (ERP) software. As of 2010, GCSS-MC was the first DoD ERP system successfully deployed down to the tactical level, with a full system rollout of Increment 1 completed in 2013. Entelliteq provided

Global Combat Support System-Marine Corps Organizational Change Management (OCM)

Merissa | Aug/ 31/ 2017 | 0

Entelliteq (previously IR Tech) supported the Global Combat Support System – Marine Corps (GCSS-MC) Program Manager throughout Increment 1’s acquisition milestones as well as assisted in full fielding activities and entry to the Post Deployment System Support (PDSS) phase.  For over 5 years, we initiated, facilitated, and supported strategies to engage stakeholders and users through the challenging endeavors of Organization Change Management (OCM).  OCM is a framework for managing the effect of new processes, changes in the culture of how tasks are accomplished within an Enterprise framework, and modes of operation that significantly reshape an organization.  Simply put, OCM addresses

Logistics Modernization Through Data Management and Data Integration

Merissa | Aug/ 31/ 2017 | 0

Overview Entelliteq (previously IR Tech) has provided critical leadership and expertise to the GCSS-MC PMO, and other programs, in their efforts to address legacy logistic system and logistics data deficiencies. Logistics Modernization is an effort to transform its logistics data management policies, procedures, and technical strategies from legacy thinking and stove-piped information systems derived in the 1970s. Marine Corp logistics personnel have long complained about the lack of interfaces between legacy systems and where interfaces existed, the existence of data migration bottlenecks and inefficient manual data transformations.  All things considered, these legacy system deficiencies created a lack of trust in

Marine Corps Logistics IT Portfolio Management Support

Merissa | Aug/ 31/ 2017 | 0

Entelliteq (previously IR Tech) led efforts to shape the Marine Corps Logistics IT portfolio by definition of management processes and procedures to govern the Marine Corps Logistics IT Portfolio, Global Combat Support System-Marine Corps (GCSS-MC) sub-portfolio.  In doing so, we leveraged a high-level direction provided by the Department of Defense Directive Number 8115.01 “Information Technology Portfolio Management”, guidance from the Department of Navy IT investment decision framework, commercial best practices, and experienced resources with both military and commercial experience. The vision offered to the GCSS-MC Program Office:   Define requirements to allow for the integration of future capabilities into current