We started by focusing on the hardest challenge…
Supporting Marine Corps logistics and supply chain in expeditionary environments where Marines were physically driving data across the battlefield. IR Tech was the driver behind moving Marine Corps deployed logistics information systems from mainframes and disks to on the ground modern applications.
Following that success we help the military and similar organizations increase the value of their logistics processes and information systems through our innovative technologies, services, and strategies. We strive to develop long lasting and mutually rewarding relationships with our clients. We work with our partners to streamline project plans that don’t just deliver on product perfection, but also delivers on time and on budget – crucial to success in a highly competitive market.
We focus on building and deploying systems and applications that support Marines and other users in deployed, Naval, expeditionary and similar challenging environments where a modern high bandwidth high speed network is not available.
Our team offers the most up-to-date, effective software development techniques and processes. Entelliteq holds ISO:9001:2015 quality certification. What this means to our customers is that we build software and provide technical logistics services with uncompromising quality and performance. IR Technologies is ready to work with you to achieve your most important goals and help you gain or maintain a competitive edge.
Excellence and Experience
We work on the forefront of innovation and technology to take products from an idea all the way to the end consumer. We have over 20 years of product and corporate government information technology acquisition development. We are the only company to successfully transition Marine Corps Logistics Information Systems from concept to fully fielded in the last 15 years.